Each collection begins with a story that explores the harmony and magnificence of the world around us. Roberto Coin’s story starts from deep Italian roots, from a country that seems to be the strongest source of inspiration for every creation, “an open-air theatre where everyone can decide what role to play”. Ideas for working on new projects come from nature, people, architecture and art; the secret for every new work is always to create something new, to move from one concept to another. Standardization does not belong to the world of Coin, the pieces made are unique and sought-after, innovation is essential, it allows the growth of the brand and also the advancement of a culture. Storytelling is at the heart of every collection, starting from the inspiration, through to the design, and of course the manufacture itself. The communication of each piece of jewelry must be narrative but at the same time practical.
Five different collections are featured in the new global campaign presented by Roberto Coin: Princess Flower, Venetia Princess, Art Deco, Navarra and Love in Verona. The shots represent a harmonious combination of the brand’s most iconic design features and the innovative techniques used in their creation. A reality in tune with the world of art and architecture. An imaginary environment is recreated that unites the senses and emotions of the beholder, a representation in which the jewel does not dominate the scene but rather emphasizes its beauty, thus becoming a much deeper element than a single object to be admired. Beauty is described as a vital element of freedom, as an aspect that fills our lives, enriching them and making them better. The evolution of the images moves in tune with the play of light and shadow that becomes essential in the narrative, a technical-photographic element that gives the product a sophisticated and refined elegance that is never brazen.
“Beauty is really everywhere. We are surrounded by it. It has always been my mission to search continuously for beauty. And to share it.”
The brand’s mission has always been to create jewelry that brings out the uniqueness of each woman, that highlights each of her characteristics and each of her individual identities. Each piece is designed to create happiness, to last forever, to be able to accompany each woman throughout her entire life and to be passed down from generation to generation. Each piece of jewelry contains a message of love, preciousness and goodwill that gradually merges with each event in each woman’s life, acquiring more and more awareness, value and character.
For further information robertocoin.com.