



Preservation is the new exhibition curated by Paige Silveira and Paul Hameleine, French model and curator. The collective show includes works by renowned artists and emerging talents such as Alyssa Kazew, Gaspar Willmann, Ladji Diaby, Ron Baker, and Wolfgang Laubersheimer.

Preservation, curated by Paul Hameline and Paige Silveria
CØR Studio, Paris
April 11th – April 15th, 2024



The new collective exhibition curated by Paige Silveira and Paul Hameleine at CØR Studio, in the heart of Paris, presents a series of photographs, sculptures, and installations by artists such as Gaetano Pesce, Alyssa Kazew, Anthony Fornasari, Bill Taylor, Cecile Di Giovanni, Gaspar Willmann, Gogog Graham, Jordan Pallages, Ladji Diaby, Ron Baker, Simon Dupety, and Wolfgang Laubersheimer.


The intellect’s evolutionary purpose has never been to discover an ultimate meaning of the universe. That is a relatively recent fad. Its historical purpose has been to help a society find food, detect danger, and defeat enemies. It can do this well or poorly, depending on the concepts it invents for this purpose. The cells Dynamically invented animals to preserve and improve their situation. The animals Dynamically invented societies, and societies Dynamically invented intellectual knowledge for the same reasons. Therefore, to the question, “What is the purpose of all this intellectual knowledge?” the Metaphysics of Quality answers, “The fundamental purpose of knowledge is to Dynamically improve and preserve society.” Knowledge has grown away from this historic purpose and become an end in itself just as society has grown away from its original purpose of preserving physical human beings and become an end in itself, and this growing away from original purposes toward greater Quality is a moral growth. But those original purposes are still there. And when things get lost and go adrift it is useful to remember that point of departure. The most sinister thing about the fall of the Roman Empire was that the people who conquered it never understood that they had done so. They paralyzed the patterns of Roman social structure to a point where everybody just forgot what that structure was. Taxes became uncollectible. Armies composed of hired barbarians stopped receiving pay. Everything just lapsed. The patterns of civilization were forgotten, and a Dark Age settled in.


Robert Pirsig’s, “Lila, An Inquiry into Morals”.


Alyssa Kazew, “Evan’s Socks,” 2020.
Copyright the artist.
Bill Taylor, “Man see God”.
Copyright the artist.
Ron Baker, “Jehovah’s Witnesses at the door,” 2022.
Copyright the artist.
Bill Taylor, “Underbelly”.
Copyright the artist.
Caos Mote, “Empties,” 2023.
Copyright the artist.

For further information



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